- 07th December 2023 - 2:00 PMMinnelli and Kelly’s dazzling Gershwin musical boasts great music and dance, plus gorgeous Technicolor and sets inspired by French painters.
Jerry Mulligan (Gene Kelly) is an American ex-GI who stays in post-war Paris to become a painter, and falls for the gamine charms of Lise Bouvier (Leslie Caron). However, his paintings come to the attention of Milo Roberts, a rich American heiress, who is interested in more than just art.
Perhaps the closest Hollywood came to the Archers’ experiments in combining cinema, dance, music and the visual arts was this tale of an artist striving for fame, fortune and romance. Powell claimed Kelly told him he’d screened The Red Shoes at least 15 times for MGM executives before he got the go-ahead for this ambitious Gershwin musical, complete with ballet and visual tributes to famous French painters.