Film Hub Scotland relaunches BFI FAN Advice and Experience Scheme for Venues
Are you struggling to put together a marketing plan for your venue? Do you need advice on attracting new audiences, or programming for a specialist season? Do you have a technical issue at your venue, or need advice with projection? Need guidance on constructing a budget or evaluation?
If you feel you are lacking in a specific area of expertise, we can provide you with the assistance and knowledge you require to help your venue develop and grow through our Advice and Experience Scheme. The aim of the scheme is to provide Hub Members with access to free 1-2-1 advice on a range of topics from effective marketing to business development to 35mm projection.
Specialists from across the sector are available to book for half-day sessions. Sessions can take place face-to-face, on the phone or Skype, and will be followed up by a report covering key next steps for your projects. The scheme now also includes technical advisors to support with advice on projection, sound, equipment and more.
Take a look at the available advisors here:
If you’re interested in arranging a session please complete the meeting request form here.
You can request an advisor, or we will match you up with an advisors based on your needs.
The scheme is free to hub members until April 2019. If you have any questions or would like to discuss the scheme further please email Adam Castle at [email protected]